Gilley's Signature Restoration was established in 2015, and we utilize over 25 years of experience to restore new life into your dream car. Our job is to understand your vision and dreams for any vehicle and bring that vision to life. Our top priority with every restoration is to spend time with the client and understand exactly what you are looking for. We understand that most of the time, a classic car, truck, boat, tractor or any other type of vehicle has memories or a story behind it, and we are here to help create the nostalgia that comes with restoring something so unique. As a local shop, we are well known in the community and are fully dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, transparency and dedication throughout any restoration. Let's get your project car up and running! Call our expert team today at (435) 249-7434 for a free estimate.
Over 25 Years of Experience
Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction
Ability To Engineer Parts
Free Estimates on All Projects
We Take the Time to Listen
Full-Service Automotive Repairs Available
You can count on us for quality vehicle restoration– call now at (435) 249-7434.
PHONE: (435) 249-7434
AFTER HOURS: (435) 496-9123
ADDRESS: 10 Garnet Street Suite # 18 Tooele, Utah, 84074
We also accept: Venmo & Crypto